Massage Therapy

About Massage Therapy

Massage can influence soft tissue healing. As a Massage therapist I will choose my technique based in part on the stage of healing of the injured tissue. Gentle techniques are used in acute and sub-acute injury stages to aide in proper arrangement of Fibrils and to prevent adhesions. Later chronic stages of healing require deeper techniques to decrease adhesions, improve scar extensibility and increase overall mobility of tissues.

Some Common Questions

How long does a treatment take?

The majority of massage treatments are 1 hour to perform a proper and thorough massage. Patients often book 90 min sessions to work on their muscle issues longer.

Are there any side effects?

Patients tend to feel fabulous, and often experience delayed muscle soreness that can last a couple of days.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments needed depends on the injury, what was damaged, and how long ago it happened.
Overall maintenance with no major underlying issues can be done once a month.


  • • Decreases Pain and Inflammation
  • • Reduces Healing Time and Need for Prescription Medications
  • • Increases Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage
  • • Improves Mobility and Immune Response


  • • Repetitive Stress Injuries
  • • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • • Tendonitis
  • • Plantar Fasciitis
  • • Arthritis
  • • Spinal Stenosis / Sciatica
  • • Disc Herniation
  • • Neuropathies
  • • Frozen Shoulder
  • • Scar Tissue Treatment
  • • Tennis / Golfers Elbow
  • • Hip Pain
  • • Shin Splints
  • • Calcified Tendons
  • • Bursitis


  • • Decreases Pain and Inflammation
  • • Reduces Healing Time and Need for Prescription Medications
  • • Increases Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage
  • • Improves Mobility and Immune Response

Some Common Questions

How long does a treatment take?

The majority of massage treatments are 1 hour to perform a proper and thorough massage. Patients often book 90 min sessions to work on their muscle issues longer.

Are there any side effects?

Patients tend to feel fabulous, and can experience delayed muscle soreness that can last a couple of days.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments needed depends on the injury, what was damaged, and how long ago it happened.
Overall maintenance with no major underlying issues can be done once a month.


  • • Repetitive Stress Injuries
  • • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • • Tendonitis
  • • Plantar Fasciitis
  • • Arthritis
  • • Spinal Stenosis / Sciatica
  • • Disc Herniation
  • • Neuropathies
  • • Frozen Shoulder
  • • Scar Tissue Treatment
  • • Tennis / Golfers Elbow
  • • Hip Pain
  • • Shin Splints
  • • Calcified Tendons
  • • Bursitis


  • • Decreases Pain and Inflammation
  • • Reduces Healing Time and Need for Prescription Medications
  • • Increases Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage
  • • Improves Mobility and Immune Response